Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you need to have the best Spendr experience. Please reach out to our Support team with any additional questions.
How much does it cost to use Spendr?
Where can I use Spendr?
Can I tip on transactions through Spendr?
My phone number has changed, how do I access my account?
What is the minimum & maximum dollar amount I can deposit?
How do the payments work?
How do I load funds into the Spendr App?
Is Spendr secure?
Can I link my credit/debit card, PayPal, Cash App, Venmo, or Crypto account?
Can I link my Chime bank account with Spendr?
My bank isn't linking, what's the issue?
How do I delete my bank from my Spendr Wallet?
How do rewards work?
How do I set up a PIN or Biometric?

Need more help? Please head to our Support Page and reach out via phone or email.

Say goodbye to fees & hello to rewards.

Download in the Apple App Store. Click to get our app for iOS devices.Get it on Google Play. Click to download our app for Android devices.